
  • Jennifer Ackad posted an update in the group Group logo of Awakening Embodiment TeleclassAwakening Embodiment Teleclass 10 years ago

    Hi Gabrielli,

    Thanks again for those wonderful teleclasses. Really, it’s magical to receive and I love witnessing the shifts that are happening in my day to day life. Every teleclass brings so much to integrate!

    You mentioned you liked playing with open questions to receive non-conditioned or limited answers,…I am trying to create a question for an inquiry I’ve been having for a long time around work :

    – What kind of work will allow me to be of service to others using the gifts that were given to me?

    – On which ‘platform’ am I supposed to serve my purpose? Or which platform am I supposed to create?

    – How can I get more clarity on the direction I shall be taking in relationship to work?

    Do you have any suggestions?

    It’s interesting to notice that simply by writing down the questions, I observe so much resistance in my body, with the mind’s ideas or needs on what the result shall be or not.

    Thank you so much,

    • Just to clarify,…I am asking for a suggestion around the phrasing of my questions (and not a suggested answer to those questions :). Thanks!

    • Great inquiry Jennifer!! I pondered this for a long time, wondering what would unlock the energy that would then allow you to perceive your “work” in this world as it pertains to your joy and embodiment. It became a simple question, that I perceive will lead to more questions later, but the starting point had simplicity to it.

      “What potency of me can I now be and receive?”

      From this place, once you can perceive the energy of your potency, you can then ask “what contribution can I be and receive with this?. Try asking the potency question and clearing the energy surrounding that as a mantra. You can do this 10 – 100 times a time, or more, if you choose? And ask with true and pure curiosity. What does it take to truly, truly desire new awareness and possibility?

      Sometimes we can ponder it this way.. what am I refusing to be or receive that I can now be or receive?

      Keep me posted!!

      • Thank you so much Gabrielli. My body has been going through quite something since I posted that on the forum.

        I love the way you bring the now in your questions as I often get confused and caught by insights or feelings or visions, and try to actalize them. But I most of the time realize then that my body is simply not there…the tensions in my body concretely wouldn’t make me act as this ‘ideal’. But its been some time now that I force myself to be a certain way, so it can fit the ideal…this makes me lose a lot of joy and vital energy.

        I will keep you posted for sure.

        And thank you again enormously for your answer and your presence. Really.

        • YES! I love the integrity you are bringing to yourself. It’s such a delicate dance to find the questions that allow for real change. It’s easy to try to will the answers into our consciousness, and yet pure awareness does not require this. We’ll talk more this week about all of this!!

          • Hi Gabrielli,…So, to keep you posted..a lot of energy got released,…So much that it was very hard for my body to handle it. I got in a crash crash yesterday, the intensity of the crash was quite proportional to the amount of spinning energy inside. Thank God we r out of this with little damage, …im simply sharing and of course trying to bring some clarity and understanding. Do you have tips on how to manage extreme releases of energy? The mind is very strong…as i realize that the energy was pushing me in a direction that i was resisting,…and like you mentioned ‘refusing to be’. Resisting change really does create ‘pain’. Thank you!

            • oh no!! I’m so sorry that you were in a crash, and so grateful that you are okay. I wonder what it would take to allow the energy to move free from destruction? What energy of space and ease can you be now? Is it a pattern that when you approach change things spin out of control? If so, how can we support you in changing that?